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Pollutant Concentrations

Readings on 20 Feb 2015

View reading for:

Region 24-hr Sulphur dioxide
24-hr PM10
1-hr Nitrogen dioxide
8-hr Ozone
8-hr Carbon monoxide
24-hr PM2.5
North 5(3) 18(18) 30(-) 30(13) 0.4(4) 9(39)
South 4(2) 14(14) 14(-) 29(12) 0.3(3) 6(25)
East 8(5) 22(22) 4(-) 33(14) 0.6(6) 12(49)
West 4(2) 13(13) 30(-) 44(19) 0.4(4) 6(26)
Central 4(3) 15(15) 30(-) 42(18) 0.3(3) 8(34)

1-hr PM2.5 (µg/m3)b Readings on 19 Feb 2015

View reading for:

Time 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm
North 11 30 50 23 8 3 4 5 5 8 9 3
South 8 14 16 29 4 1 2 1 3 5 5 3
East 15 20 25 47 32 3 4 4 12 19 15 8
West 9 12 9 11 3 3 3 2 7 7 9 12
Central 16 12 21 43 12 2 3 4 6 5 3 4
Time 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 12am
North 2 5 4 3 7 6 5 5 9 6 5 9
South 3 3 2 2 4 8 9 6 5 4 3 6
East 6 15 4 6 6 7 10 4 4 5 6 7
West 9 6 7 5 3 2 6 7 3 7 3 7
Central 5 5 3 2 5 4 6 5 5 7 8 7

a Sub-index for nitrogen dioxide is reported only when the 1-hr concentration equals or exceeds 1130 µg/m3.

b There is no sub-index for 1-hr PM2.5.

3-hr PSI Readings from 1am to 12am on 19 Feb 2015

Time 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm
3-hr PSI 44 52 58 65 62 54 24 13 18 25 32 32
Time 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 12am
3-hr PSI 27 25 22 20 18 19 24 25 25 22 22 25

The real-time data is automatically published as soon as it is generated by our air monitoring stations. The data is subject to verification and correction subsequently if necessary.